lol..da macam blog kesihatan la plak..whatevers..oh..btw..this is only my view andd i might say it is the best way to controlyour weight..
before that..let take a look my
FAT meee
ohya..the picture was taken last xboleh lupe betapa tembunye diriku ini..that was the fat pic mmungkin nmpk xbape gemuk..but i dunno why..oh..pic itu tidak di edit...for colours yes..i make it more saiznye nggak dong..
ok la..berbalik kepada asal..semua perempuan nak kurus and do i..i keep complaining that i am so gemuukkkk but my bf said i am just nice...ok ok la tuh..unfortunately my mum said i am gemuk..yes..she always make a doubtful face bila sy cakap nk baju raya sama saiz dgn one of my sis..huh..!T.T make few tips on how to potong your fat..
1st of all...anda mestilah taw kadar kalori yang anda perlu setiap hari..setiap org berbeza kadar kalori mngikut keaktifannye..oh ya..and aklik saja disini utk mengetahui jumlah kalori anda patot ambil ye.. mestilah tidak melebihi kalori yg diperlukn krna badan anda tidak mampu untuk menghadam nye..lolz.feels like i am ..ape pggil pakar diet ni..? lupe2 :D
seterusnya mcm besela..bersenam , drink up, oh,..don't skip your meal baby, d,makan buah sgt will clean your stomach dude....and please don;t eat after 9 pm onwards...kadang2 xpe lah..hik..and get plenty of sleep.. ckp 4 am but i am still awake...not really wide awake..:8..
that's all..i don;t want to upload my latest pic of me..haha..but i think i am lil bit kurus..ya la..ptg2 exercise, krg makan and penat jage anak2 buah ni...haih..