suke ati aku la nak post bpe entry pon..dh name syanida blogspot..bkn ali blogspot it's up to me...nak doodle ke..nak memaki ke...wawa...xkan maki org kot cume kadang2 je aku akn maki..sbb aku ni sgt la penyabar org nye..ececece....poyo nak mati ko sya..
aku ...lame xgune ayt aku..just closed friend conversation..duh,,skema ouh gune ayt conversation...:P
siyes,,setiap clause aq tulis tiade kaitan dgn clause sblum atau selepasnye..kalo ade pon suke ati aku la...
siyes xtaw nak tulis ape...duh..i am not art person..poetry2 x pandai..even nak tulis msj ayt jiwang2 pon., mcm aku ade pakwe nak msj jiwang..( ayt gadis desperate ouh) gile siot..
xla....ina pon ckp,..
aku ni bek xyah kapel..sbb aku jenis bosan..
she said to me..xtaw la bile..ko ni tiap sem pakwe ehe no..i am not playgirl coz i;m not that pretty to be playgirl....i dunno..just feel like i cant stick with 1 thing...ina mesti pelik nak mampus nape aq xde pakwe sem
fyi cik ina chantek...i nak jadi perempuan matang...
hahaaha! bodoh x aq gelak sendiri..
but seriously yea..really wanna be matured girl who just fall in love with THE ONE and live happily ever after,,,dah dah..xmo la jiwang..giler x sesuai aku ckp psl ni..
nak g jln2 pon sesat lg..even nk g bakti permai for lunch..nak2 pegi gn eida..lagi la sesat..walawei..eida and me really road blind...
aku...laa..aku lagi..
cume aku malas and aku sgt obses nak kurus n nak tinggi siot je...baru mkn cheese cake tp ade hati nak kurus..set..esok nak jogging!...
tadi woke up 7am sbb jnji gn ina nk jogging..then she said to me...ko tidor la sya...semalam ko tido lewat eh..mmg pon..tido betol2 ats laptop...without any answer...tup..laid on ma pinky bed..waa till 10.30 am...and mandikol 3pm! serious! hahahaha!