Thursday, September 9, 2010

i am a kid

i slept at 5am and woke up at 2 pm..ok..what the hell with this freak am crazy though
everyday i used to be a clumsy girl..the clumsiest in my family..yea...coz i always act like a child...

everything i did i 'll leave with a messed..yea..that's the way i am..
sometimes i hate to be me..but whatever..i'm still THANKFUL...true true true...

i pretend that i dont want it but as if i can i'll get it..


see...i said i am i want duit raya whicever way...from whoever u are...

oh dang..2morrow will be last ramdhan for us this year..and kite akn smbut hari raya...
can't wait can't wait! i love everything!

i am really thankful that TUAN AFZAL borned me...and my dad SYED IBRAHIM TUAN BESAR together with my mom raised me and all of their clans1 love u both! muahx! and ima so proud of being the youngest sis of 5 SYARIFAHS and a SYED..lot of love and heart..i heart u!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

- Johnson