Friday, April 23, 2010


sudey2 la sya....yg pergi xkn kembali...ko yg maseh hidop doa je....u need to mov on ur life...doesn't mean it's the end of ur life...

erm...semalam aku xtahu aq buat pe...cryinggg jee.....and bace blog-blog org...haish....fmaily aq sume da balik..nape la aku masih stuck kt cni....dah2...4get it...ko perlu doa n bce yassin bnyk2...move on baby girl...:)..yeahhhaaa

erm..1st thing...wait..msti korg pelik nape post aq yg lame hilang kn..act...i bru je delet sume tu...dis is ma life ...i can do wat ever i want....watever i like...:)so..kpd sesape mami jarum or puppy jarum yg bce blog aq ni sile la jgn bce..den komen kt fb mcm2...dah2 la wey..psl ko da xde lgsg la palotak aq ni haa....siyesly xde...*hint..u la shit!.i mean SHE...

today..i want to make a new chapter,,,away from any prob..okepp...:))...and any kindda shit things...lololol...but i cant away from that things...coz i love it...*L...... if u know guess it!..:)) bile tnsion mkn aku ni...smlm mkn blueberry ais kcg..ish.manyak sgt..kngsi 2 org pon xabes...ish2..thanx to you sbb abes kn....tpi i sgt suke blueberry too... 2morrow lsp 400 paper...erm..kalo ikot ati nk skip je paper tu..nk balik umah...nk tgok arwah tok wan wat kali trakhir,..tpi aq tahu abah confirm gila babai xkn kasi pnyer i wat camtu...lg i keciwe de r....bek i snyap..sem ni mmg aq tawakkal giler2 kot..sorry to my mum and dad..result ank u blom abes exam pon da leh agk dpot prepared!!..ngeeee.... lgsg x tido lg ni..dr smlm..bile budak 2ekoq ni aka 2 org kwn ku yg baek gilerrr nii tido aku start nanges...xptot la kot nk nges dpn dorg(sbnrye malu n stilll dpt than time tu..)...lagipon smlm lpas exam aq and bdk 2 org ni trus pegi cafe indah kembara beli nasi,lauk banyak2....bak kate rehan: aku nk byr pon sorok sbb rmai sgt dak laki...malu la aq mkn bnyk..hehe..haaa...tahu pon ko still maintain..skinny jeans and legging pon still nmpk cun bile ko pkai..:D...cntinue balik..lpas tu g nek bas..sje2 pusing2 wlupon ik gn jjantas tu dkt nak mati..saje ikot kepala ina yg nak nek bas ni...pusing usm..tgok laut..wlopon aq tgah xsbr nk mkn naisk nk smpai blik..sabar je la lyn mak cik2 ribena ni..:))...smpai blik..trus rehan wat air blackcurrrant..and aq smpai blik trus bkk laptop..ngeee...n bsuh tgn trus mkn smpai lupe nk tggu dak ni 2 org....tpi still mkn sme2 n aq jgk yg lmbt abis mkn ..opps...x abes ponn..pas mkn trus mengulorrr je aq 3 yg pling lmbt bgun aq la kott...smpai ina tggal aq tgok cite da tlepas...tido pnyer psl... kire da dpt agk la kn aq bgun kol bpe..hehe

ok larh....ade mse jumpe lg my u ...


Anonymous said...

It is delightful

Anonymous said...

Absolutely with you it agree. Idea good, I support.